01 January, 2021

A New Year - New Opportunities !

Happy New Year – 2021! I am feeling very positive and hopeful. A new year gives us all the opportunity to turn the page and begin a new chapter, to do better and to be better. I don’t make resolutions, per se, but I do set goals, both personally and business wise and I am looking forward to what the new year will bring.

2020 has been a very good year for my Etsy shop with my highest revenue ever! How lucky am I to actually make money doing something that I love doing? People appeared to be at home more and were clearly doing more sewing according to my sales numbers. It warms my heart to think that so many were making time to sew, a pastime that has given me so much enjoyment for most of my life.

My Top Nine photos from Instagram for 2020 was not necessarily my personal top nine, but I love looking back, even from the first day of the new year. Onward and upward!